Anger is a natural, instinctive response to threats. Some anger is necessary for our survival. Anger becomes a problem when you have trouble controlling it, causing you to say or do things you regret.
Psychological Treatments for anger – do they work?
A data analysis of 96 studies “suggests that psychological treatments are generally effective in treating anger ” (Source: A Meta-analysis of the Psychological Treatment of Anger: Developing Guidelines for Evidence-Based Practice, 2009)
- Introduction: Anger Symptoms
- Anger Self-Assessment (Psymed)
- An Overview of Treatment Areas
- Trigger-Appraisal-Response
- More on Trigger-Appraisal and Response
- Biased thinking
- Biased thinking summary
- Bias Quiz
- Biased Thinking in Practice
- Wise Friend Technique
- The Wise Friend Technique in practice
- Wise Role Model Technique
- How are Beliefs influence our understanding
- Developing more helpful beliefs
- Walking the Talk: putting our New Beliefs into action
- Reframing
- Reframing in practice
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- The Big Picture